Regulation II (d) and Regulation IV (h) Waiver Forms must be completely filled out. After verifying that each youngster meets the requirements of the waiver, the president of the local Little League then sends the forms to the district administrator.
Once the district administrator verifies the documentation meets the regulations, he or she has the authority to grant approval of the waiver. Situations in which documentation is not available must be referred through the regional office to the Charter Committee at Little League International, whose decision is final and binding.
Failure to follow this procedure will result in having an ineligible player in the league. The player in question is not eligible until the leagues receives written confirmation from the DA or, in those cases where documentation is not available, from Little League International, and only if all the information on the form is true and remains correct. (Regulation IV h).
Regulation II (d) and IV (h) waiver forms are available at, as well as on the ASAP Safety Manual CD and the League Supplies CD sent to the local Little League upon chartering.
Another type of waiver is a Charter Committee Waiver. A local league has the right to petition the Charter Committee in Williamsport to waive a specific rule or regulation. The process for requesting such a waiver must be followed precisely as detailed below.
Waiver requests that do not follow this established procedure will be delayed. Waivers also have specific deadlines.
The procedure is:
1. The local Little League board of directors votes to request the waiver.
2. The president writes a letter to the attention of “The Charter Committee, Williamsport, Pennsylvania” detailing the waiver and the reasons for requesting it. Any supporting documents are included.
3. The letter and documents are forwarded to the district administrator for his or her recommendation and/or investigation.
4. The letter and documents are forwarded to the Regional Director for his or her recommendation and/or investigation.
5. The letter and documents are forwarded to the Charter Committee for action.
The Charter Committee’s decision is final and binding. It is important to note that the situation requested in the waiver (such as a request to have a player participate in a league without having residence in the league) must not be allowed to proceed unless and until the Charter Committee renders its decision. Such a waiver MUST be applied for and approved before it is acted upon by the local league - even if the player is not of tournament age.
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