Section: FRONT PAGE, LLT - FL District 6, LL Tournament (All-Stars) / December 31, 2022
Please click the link to open the 2024 ALL-STAR SCHEDULE.

Check back frequently as the schedule changes on short notice due to weather and/or other scheduling issues.

Have a great tournament! Play Ball !!!

Thank you to our leagues who are hosting the 2024 All-Stars!

Kind Regards,
Terry Thompson
District Administrator
Little League Florida District 6

Covid 19 Update

Section: News - FL District 6 / May 20, 2020
To the families and players of District 6 Little Leagues,
It is with deep sadness and regret that we formally announce that our leagues have made the decision to cancel the remainder of the 2020 Spring Season. Please understand the decision to cancel our seasons was not an easy one. Our leagues have researched all options and requirements necessary for resumption of play that were presented by our local and state government as well as the precautions and safety considerations from the CDC and governing health organizations. All options were reviewed and considered. The leagues were in agreement that this is the best decision for the overall health, safety and well being of our players, our families and our volunteers.

We will continue to monitor the situation and if/when the time comes later this summer where it is deemed safe to play in group settings, we will notify our league families and move forward from there.

District 6 is thankful for the support from our families and volunteers of Bayshore, Interbay, Keystone, Palma Ceia, West Tampa and the Yellow Jackets Little Leagues.

Be Safe, Be Healthy and look forward to seeing you in the early Fall (if not sooner)!

Terry Thompson
Florida District 6 Administrator

League Age Calculator - What League Age Is Your Child ?

Section: Rules & Regs, Forms & Documents / June 15, 2019
Use this calculator to determine the “League Age” of any Baseball or Softball player-participant or player-candidate.

Proof of Residency Requirements

Section: Rules & Regs, Forms & Documents, About - Little League / June 15, 2019
PDF - LittleLeague.org
Little League requires that every child registered be able to provide 3 Valid Proofs of Residency. When a Regulation II(d) or a IV(h) Waiver is requested, 3 Valid Proofs of Residency are required to accompany the waiver request from the last season in which the player resided within the Local League's boundary.

FORM: For a list of Little League's Valid Proof of Residency Requirements > Click the "Link" button.

Welcome from the District Administrator

Section: Leagues, News - Coaches, News - Parents & Players, About - Florida District 6 / April 22, 2015
Welcome to FLD6 from the District Administrator

Interleague - FLD6 Rules (PDF)

Section: Interleague Rules & Forms, Rules & Regs / March 04, 2015
Link to the most recent FLD6 Interleague Play Rules for All Divisions of Baseball & Softball. (PDF)

Umpire Appointment History - World Series

Section: Umpires / January 02, 2012
See the long list of Volunteer Umpires who have been appointed to the represent Florida District 6 in the Little League World Series.

Expectations of a Coach

Section: News - Coaches / January 01, 2012
The easiest way to predict whether a Little League team is going to have a positive and successful season is to listen to the expectations of the coach.

Volunteer vs. Paid Umpires

Section: Umpires, Leagues / September 01, 2011
Many Little Leagues now pay umpires for doing games. Some even use an association to assign umpires. Many leagues claim that they cannot find qualified volunteers to help. While others think that it is easier to pay the umpires, because it is one less thing to worry about while running a program.....

Game Management Tips

Section: Umpires / July 01, 2011
Try these tips and I’m sure you’ll shave some dead time off of games, and your games will go smoother...
Little League Pledge Parent/Volunteer Pledge
I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best
I will teach all children to play fair
and do their best.
I will positively support all managers, coaches
and players.
I will respect the decisions of the umpires.
I will praise a good effort
despite the outcome of the game.
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Bayshore  |  Interbay  |  Keystone  |  Northside  |  Northwest
Palma Ceia  |  Tampa Bay  |  West Tampa  |  Yellow Jackets
FLD6 Leagues
LittleLeague.org  |  D6 Calendar  |  D6 League Officials  |  FloridaLLB.org
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